rehab/recovery tools.

  • Normatec

    Dynamic air compression effectively mimics the muscle pump of the legs and arms, enhancing the movement of fluid and metabolites out of the limbs after an intense workout. Created by a physician bioengineer (MD, PhD), the Normatec line combines dynamic air compression with a patented Pulse massage pattern that employs three key techniques—pulsing, distal release, and gradients. Studies show it can help relieve muscle aches and/or pain and temporarily increase circulation resulting in increased flexibility and range of motion, injury prevention, and accelerated recovery time.

  • Game Ready

    Game Ready features patented ACCEL Technology (Active Compression and Cold Exchange Loop) to help accelerate your recovery. Integrated active compression and cold therapies reduce pain and swelling, reduce muscle spasms, enhance lymphatic function, and encourage oxygenated blood flow all to stimulate natural healing.

  • Venom - Heated Back Brace.

    The therapeutic application of heat causes a change in temperature of the soft tissues which can help decrease joint stiffness and relieve muscle spasms. When combined with the benefits of vibration, as featured in the Venom line, localized heat helps warm, loosen, and relax sore and stiff muscles. Ideal for warmup, recovery, and relief for muscle and joint stiffness, the combination of thermal therapy and vibration therapy is unparalleled.

  • Compex

    The ultimate workout tool for professional athletes the Compex SP Wireless 6.0 is wireless muscle stimulator designed to maintain your muscles and assist recovery from injury through the use of individualised electrical impulses.

    What sets the Compex SP 6.0 apart?

    Utilises a muscle intelligence technology, a professional muscle contracting system that mimics the electrical impulses sent from the brain to your muscles.

    Employed alongside the built-in MI-Scan function, that can automatically adjust the electro-stimulator setting to suit your own personal muscle attributes

    Provide you with a more individualised understanding of your muscles physiology and help to prevent injury, treat pain, aid recovery and ensure an all-round improvement to your workout is made. goes here

  • Compex 1.0 Massage Gun

    The Compex® Fixx™ 1.0 is your go-to portable massage device before, during or after training or competition.

    The Fixx™ 1.0 can help keep your body loose and ready for competition as well as help alleviate sore and tight muscles post-workout or game.

  • Compex Ayre Recovery Boots

    Feel relief aid anywhere, anytime with Compex® Ayre™ compression boots. Designed for coaches, elite and recreational athletes on-the-go, Ayre is a therapeutic product using intermittent pneumatic compression. When exercising, the body builds up lactate level as a biproduct of muscle contraction. Compex Ayre uses a dynamic pulsing compression up the limbs in waves for the duration of its use, which helps promote quick healing. Sit back, power up the boots, and enjoy your recovery for up to 3 hours anywhere on a single charge.

  • Blood Flow Restriction Cuffs

    Blood-flow restriction training or occlusion training has been proven to help increase muscle growth and speed up the effects of hypertrophy training which can prove to be very effective in early phase rehab or post operatively.