Reverse Nordic - rectus femoris strength

The reverse Nordic is a great way to get eccentric load and strength into our hip flexors and quadriceps muscle groups throughout range whilst keeping the hips in a neutral or extended position. 

It is particularly important in sprinting or kicking athletes who need to produce hip flexion force from an extended position. 

It is also important as unlike a lot of quad loading exercises it will also target the two joint quad muscle your rectus femoris which is often injured whilst kicking or sprinting. 

Here we can see two variations of a reverse Nordic. Make sure you have a comfortable

  1. Band assisted Reverse Nordic curl

  2. Reverse Nordic Curl


  • kneel onto something soft as it can be uncomfortable.

  • Start assisted and work slowly through range

  • Like all exercises with a large eccentric phase don’t overdo the volume/reps to begin with. Focus on quality of movement and control through eccentric phase.

For any additional information or to get an assessment of your own feel free to contact us.

☎️: 0432 332 131


Fax: 8088 4338



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